E-mail : cstiffler@rockridge-VDC.com


See The Future as You Plan It

4D Virtual Design Construction Simulations Professionals

Rock Ridge Virtual Design Construction is a provider of Visual Scheduling.  As a service provider of Synchro Software Ltd., Rock Ridge integrates the schedule with architectural models and other 3D tools to show the project plan visually in “real-time” thus creating the 4D concept. Cost and Resources (5D) can then be added for further dimension and analytics.

Virtual Design Construction, Rock RIdge VDC, VDC

Rock Ridge VDC and its professional team of 4D Virtual Planning Specialists work with the project management to give a visual insight to the project plan.  4D schedule simulations are essential in communicating with a wide range of project professionals to allow them to make important decisions quickly and effectively. 

The goal of Rock Ridge VDC is to focus on best practices for data integration, schedule development, progress validation, risk management and construction team input to provide a plan for construction that can been seen, analyzed, optimized, and trusted.

Rock Ridge VDC supports the clients transition from 2D Gantt Chart processes to advanced 4D and 5D workflows, data management, and project optimization.



The Future of Project Planning and Controls! We provide trained professionals in Visual Construction Simulations.


Using Primavera based scheduling tools we provide many levels of fully trained schedulers.  


Building Information Modeling: The tool that brings it all together. Using the architectural model, we combine building elements with construction phase elements. Providing the visual plan for construction.


Integrated breakdown of Detailed Cost Accounting from entire contract value into schedule.       

Here are some of the Industries we service


Power & Oil & Gas Industry

Industrial and Commercial
